Fuel Bakery


[Friut loaf from Fuel Bakery]

Fuel Bakery used to produce a wonderful fruit & nut bread which I bought from direct from the factory and enjoyed toasting at my desk. 

This is the view of the bakery that I see. I used to visit at about 04:30 on a Saturday
morning and buy two or three loaves to keep in the freezer at work.
Fuel Bakery - as I see it]

Inside, they're often busy getting orders out, with numerous boxes stacked up.
[Fuel Bakery - bread ready to be delivered]

When I arrived they'd be getting ready to start the next baking cycle.
[Fuel Bakery worker cleans up to get ready to start baking]

Now they don't make bread any more. There's apparently more profit in this sort of product:

Fuel Bakery - sweet things cooling]

The proprieter, Keith, will always find time to have a chat, even when he's really busy. I reckon he's probably a good person to work for - he's certainly been very kind to me over the years. He's a bit quirky - he doesn't own a car, and enjoys surfing, even in mid-winter. He is very proud of his family, and he often tells me about his son, who is highly ranked in ultra-endurance & triathalon events.

I know many of Keith's staff have been with the company for a long time. One of his delivery drivers (Nick) sometimes passes me in the night when I'm running to work. Nick always sounds his horn as he passes.


Fuel Bakery
27 May Street
St Peters
ph 9519 5055




Copyright © Michael Lee 2014

updated 17 september 2014